Our Competition Robot Design Files
NanoQuest2006 Robot Design - StepByStep Building Instructions (NXT)
NanoQuest2006 Software - Mindstorm NXT software files.
NanoQuest2006 Scoring - Excel spreadsheet for mission scores.
OceanOdyssey2005 Robot Design - StepByStep Building Instructions (RCX)
OceanOdyssey2005 Manipulator Design - Manipulators we used at the State Competition
OceanOdyssey2005 Algorithms - StepByStep Solution (visual pseudocode) State Competition
OceanOdyssey2005 Software - Robolab software files.
NoLimits2004 Robot Design - Just the basic drive design. No StepByStep Instructions.
NoLimits2004 Navigation - Calibration of rotation sensors for dual differential drive. RIS code for making measurements.
NoLimits2004 Algorithms - List of programs and procedure for reconfiguring robot.
NoLimits2004 Software - RIS Source code listings for our robot. This software won a trophy for Innovative Programming!
OceanOdyssey2005 Models - Our models of innovative solutions for the Ocean Odyssey challenge.
OceanOdyssey2005 Experiments - We performed several experiments to better understand the environmental problems man creates in the ocean.
OceanOdyssey2005 Script - We presented our findings as a short play. We also made models and answered questions after the play. We also created a song and flyers.
OceanOdyssey2005 Short Story - A short story entitled The Scorpacuda of the Dead Zone.
NoLimits2004 Solution - Our research and innovative solution for the public library.
NoLimits2004 Chronology - A daily journal of our research activities. We got started late in the season, so we didn't have as much time as in later years!
NoLimits2004 Script - We presented our findings as a short play. We also made a poster and answered questions after the play. We presented our play to the librarians.
Off-Season Scorpacuda Robots